Is Donald Trump's hair a threat to humanity?
The Donald's Hair is an enigma, a mystery, and like most things we don't understand we fear it. But is this fear justified?
This photo challenges us to to confront the very real prospect that if The Hair was to somehow achieve the capacity for self-replication, its rapidly growing numbers could engross and consume territory with startling speed. The outcome could be an image too terrifying to contemplate: a once majestic planet consumed by a shaggy yellow surface layer, its matted tendrils waving blissfully in the wind, compelling all who still exist to reminisce longingly about what once was.
This photo challenges us to to confront the very real prospect that if The Hair was to somehow achieve the capacity for self-replication, its rapidly growing numbers could engross and consume territory with startling speed. The outcome could be an image too terrifying to contemplate: a once majestic planet consumed by a shaggy yellow surface layer, its matted tendrils waving blissfully in the wind, compelling all who still exist to reminisce longingly about what once was.